OutWiker - the tree notes organizer | jenyay.net

OutWiker - the tree notes organizer


OutWiker is designed to store notes in a tree. Such programs are called "outliner", personal wiki, or tree-like editors. OutWiker's main difference from the other similar programs is keeping the tree of notes in the form of directories on disk, and encouraging changing the base by external sources and programs.

Also any number of files can be attached to the page. OutWiker can contain pages of different types, currently supports three types of pages: plain text, HTML pages and wiki pages. You can add Markdown page support with Markdown plug-in.

The program uses some sets of free icons taken from sites famfamfam.com, yusukekamiyamane.com and fatcow.com. Many thanks to the authors of those sites.

OutWiker distributed with source code under the GPL 3.


Current version: 3.3.0

OutWiker for Windows
outwiker_3.3.0_win.exe (installer, 35 МБ).
outwiker_3.3.0_win.7z (7z archive, 23 МБ).
outwiker_3.3.0_win.zip (zip archive, 43 МБ).

OutWiker for Windows with all plug-ins
outwiker_3.3.0_win_all_plugins.zip (archive 7z, 53 МБ).
outwiker_3.3.0_win_all_plugins.7z (archive 7z, 31 МБ).

Linux users can install OutWiker from snap package with follow commands:

sudo snap install outwiker
sudo snap connect outwiker:cups-control
sudo snap connect outwiker:removable-media

To install OutWiker from flatpak package run follow commands:

flatpak install flathub net.jenyay.Outwiker
flatpak run net.jenyay.Outwiker

For others Linux distributions see Sources

Unstable version


outwiker_3.3_en_01.png: 1324x944, 408k (12.08.2024 20:52)
outwiker_3.3_en_02.png: 1324x944, 285k (12.08.2024 20:52)
outwiker_3.3_en_03.png: 1324x944, 308k (12.08.2024 20:52)
outwiker_3.3_en_04.png: 1324x944, 82k (12.08.2024 20:53)
outwiker_3.3_en_05.png: 1324x944, 83k (12.08.2024 20:53)
outwiker_3.3_en_06.png: 1324x944, 82k (12.08.2024 20:53)

Key Features

  • The base is stored as a directory tree on disk.
  • Plugins supported.
  • Any number of files can be attached to each note.
  • Pages can be of different types.
  • Attached images can be inserted into the HTML-page.
  • HTML syntax highlighting.
  • Tags support.
  • Support for bookmarks.
  • Each tree branch can be opened as a separate wiki.
  • Icons for notes.
  • Cross-platform (Windows and Linux).
  • Portability. Program all the settings can be stored in its directory.
  • Open-source program.
  • The ability to create links between pages.
  • Global search on your notes and search by tags.
  • Batch job with the tags.


May it be better to make the program keep notes in one file?

Keeping notes in a tree - the main feature, for which the program was developed. This does not mean that someday I will not add the option for choosing ways of storing your notes, but this will not happen in the near future.

Will there be a visual editor for the pages?

There are some thoughts to make a separate page type format RichTextFormat with the visual editor. Please do not exclude the possibility that there will be a visual editor for HTML-pages. But still I can't talk about dates.

How to install plugins

If you use OutWiker in the portable mode then to install the plug-ins need to unzip the downloaded archive to plugins folder close to the executable.

If you use OutWiker in the usual mode then select "Help - Open Plugins Folder" menu item. After that will be open folder for plugins.

In MS Windows 7 / 10 / 11 it would be:


In Linux for OutWiker installed from snap:


In Linux for OutWiker installed from flatpak:


Take note what each plugin is a folder with the files. This plugin folder need to copy in the folder with plugins. In the preferences dialog (Edit - Preferences - Plugins) can disable plugins without remove their files from plugins folder.

Run from source code

Source code of OutWiker is free.

To get a stable version of the source code, run:

git clone https://github.com/Jenyay/outwiker
cd outwiker
git submodule update --init --recursive

To get the source code version of the program, which is in development, run:

git clone https://github.com/Jenyay/outwiker
cd outwiker
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd outwiker
git checkout 3.3.0-stable

To run the command:

python -m pip install --user pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv update -d
inv run

Versions history (August 15, 2023)

  • Changed tags cloud design.
  • Added the ability to filter tags.
  • Added the ability to display the tags cloud as a list.
  • On tags cloud panel add a button to show applied tags only.
  • Added context menu for tags cloud.
  • Use new vector icons for buttons.
  • Added the ability to use vector icons for pages.
  • New preferences dialog.
  • Improvements in working with list item styles on wiki pages.
  • Added new icons for pages.

History of the previous versions