DataGraph. Plug-in for chart plotting on wiki page |

DataGraph. Plug-in for chart plotting on wiki page

Plug-in append the (:plot:) command when allow to plot the charts on wiki pages. The charts can be plotted by floating point data and by calendar data type.

DataGraph 1.0.9 (Required OutWiker version: 1.8 -

DataGraph 1.3.1 (Required OutWiker version: and above)

datagraph_example_01.png: 693x296, 16k (11.01.2015 09:32)
datagraph_example_02.png: 705x318, 13k (11.01.2015 09:32)


(:plot <parameters> :)

Data may be represented as follow (columns separator may be changed):

1    10    20
2    11    22
3    13    24
4    15    25
5    16    26
6    18    27
7    20    30
8    20    30
9    20    30
10   20    30

Data can be read from (:plot:) command body and from attached files.


Detailed parameter description is given in the help, included in plug-in (to open help select menu item "Wiki - DataGraph - Open help").

Hereinafter will be used notation curve[n].param_name which signifies what chart contain several objects (curves). In practice will be used notations curve1.param_name, curve2.param_name, etc.

Curves parameters

'curve[n].data'Set data source for curve
'curve[n].xcol'Set column number for X coordinates. The columns are numbered from 1
'curve[n].ycol'Set column number for Y coordinates. The columns are numbered from 1
'curve[n].color'Set curve color (for example "#1CE81C", "#0BA", "rgb(180, 64, 180)", "black")
'curve[n].style'Set curve style by name or number. List of the styles is being given in the help
'curve[n].hide'Hide curve
'curve[n].title'Set curve title

Data parameters

'curve[n].data'Set data source for curve
'curve[n].data.colsep'Set regular expression or string which is used for separate data columns
'curve[n].data.skiprows'Allow to skip specified number first lines in the data
'curve[n].data.formatcol[m]'Set calendar data format for column number m

Chart parameters

'width'Set chart width
'height'Set chart height
'tooltip'Turn on the tooltip with point data
'legend'Turn on the legend

Axis parameters

Set min value for axis X / Y
Set max value for axis X / Y
If this value equals "datetime", on axis will be shown calendar data (turn on calendar axis type)
Set title for X / Y axis
Set interval besides ticks (grid step) for axis X / Y. Does not work for calendar data type

Versions history

1.3.1 (May 03, 2023)

  • Migrate to new API.

1.3 (October 19, 2019)

  • Migrate to new API.

1.2 (August 26, 2018)

  • Add German localization.

1.1 (February 15, 2018)

  • Add OutWiker 2.1 support. Migrate to Python 3.6.

1.0.9 (May 28, 2017)

  • Bug fixes.

1.0.8 (March 18, 2017)

  • Bug fixes.

1.0.7 (January 26, 2017)

  • Updated Russian help.

1.0.6 (October 17, 2016)

  • Added OutWiker 2.0 supporting.

1.0.5 (August 20, 2016)

  • Added the Swedish translation.
  • Bug fixes.

1.0.4 (March 10, 2016)

  • Bug fixes.

1.0.3 (February 11, 2016)

  • Minor design changes.

1.0.2 (June 22, 2015)

  • Added the Italian localization.

1.0.1 (February 09, 2015)

  • Bug fixes.

1.0 (January 22, 2015)

  • The first version.

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