Source plug-in. Highlight source code
Plug-in append command (:source:) in wiki parser.
Source 1.28.1 (Required OutWiker version: and above)
Source 1.28 (Required OutWiker version: and above)
Source 1.26 (Required OutWiker version: and above)
(:source params... :)
source code
lang - programming language
tabwidth - tab size
file - attached source file
encoding - encoding of the attached source file (default encoding - utf8)
style - style of hightlighting
parentbg - use the page background for the code block
linenum - enable line numbers
Example 1
Code | Result |
Example 2
Code | Result |
Example 3
Code | Result |
Example 4
Code | Result |
Example 5
Insert the cource code from the attached file by specifying the encoding. Prefix Attach: in the parameter file can be omitted.
(:source file="Attach:example.cs" encoding="cp1251":)(:sourceend:)
Example 6
Insert the source code from the attached file and explicitly specified language. The default encoding is UTF-8.
(:source file="Attach:example.txt" lang="python":)(:sourceend:)
Style examples
Default style | Style emacs: |
Style vim: | Style colorful: |
Versions history
1.28.1 (September 14, 2024)
- Migrate to new API.
1.28 (June 22, 2024)
- Update Pygments library.
1.27 (January 27, 2024)
- Use new API for settings.
1.26 (December 24, 2023)
- Update Pygments library.
1.25 (May 03, 2023)
- Migrate to new API.
1.24 (December 11, 2022)
- Update Pygments library.
1.23 (August 03, 2022)
- Added the ability to select attachments in nested folders with the dialog.
- Update Pygments library.
1.22 (February 19, 2022)
- Update Pygments library.
1.21 (April 07, 2021)
- Update Pygments library.
1.20 (December 29, 2020)
- Update Pygments library.
1.19 (February 23, 2020)
- Update Pygments library.
1.18 (October 19, 2019)
- Migrate to new API.
1.17.2 (May 26, 2019)
- Update Pygments library.
1.17.1 (March 22, 2019)
- Update the Ukrainian localization.
- Update the German localization.
1.17 (November 24, 2018)
- Improve programming languages view.
- Fix errors.
1.16 (August 26, 2018)
- Add German localization.
1.15.1 (May 26, 2018)
- Bug fixes.
1.15 (February 15, 2018)
- Add OutWiker 2.1 support. Migrate to Python 3.6.
1.14.5 (May 28, 2017)
- Fixed errors.
1.14.4 (March 18, 2017)
- Updated the Pygments library.
1.14.3 (October 17, 2016)
- Added OutWiker 2.0 supporting.
1.14.2 (August 20, 2016)
- Added the Swedish translation.
- Updated Pygments library.
1.14.1 (May 29, 2016)
- Bug fixes.
1.14 (February 11, 2016)
- Bug fixes.
- Updated Pygments library.
- Added new styles.
- Added new programming languages supporting.
1.13 (June 03, 2015)
- Bug fixes.
1.12 (February 09, 2015)
- Updated the Pygments library..
- Added new styles.
- Added new languages supporting.
1.11.5 (January 20, 2015)
- Minor interface improvements.
- Bug fixes.
1.11.3 (September 11, 2014)
- Bug fixes.
1.11.2 (July 13, 2014)
- Small fixes in the interface.
1.11.1 (March 17, 2014)
- Fix highlight for 1C language.
1.11 (January 09, 2014)
- When using OutWiker 1.8 you can set a hotkey to insert (:source:) command.
1.10 (August 12, 2013)
- Added the linenum parameter to enable line numbers.
- Added the parentbg parameter to use as a background source page's background.
- Improved display of source code on pages with dark backgrounds.
1.9 (February 18, 2013)
- Added the ability to choose the style of decoration.
- Corrections in the dialog of the insert commands (:source:).
1.8 (January 19, 2013)
- Added ability to insert text programs from the attached files.
- Added parameter encoding, indicated the encoding of the file with the source.
1.7 (January 04, 2013)
- Added the dialog for insert the command (:source:).
1.6 (August 01, 2012)
- Added 1S language supporting.