Plug-ins for OutWiker
To install the plug-ins need to unzip the plugin archive to plugins folder next to the outwiker.exe (if you run OutWiker in portable mode) or to outwiker\plugins directory of the user's settings folder (under Windows 7 / 8.x / 10 - C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\outwiker\plugins, under Linux - /home/USERNAME/.config/outwiker/plugins). The easiest way to open the plugin folder is select "Help - Open Plugins Folder" menu item.
In the settings window Edit - Preferences... - Plugins, you can disable the plug without removing them from the folder plugins.
If you create your own plugin and you want it to be posted on this page, send it to with description. Unit-tests encouraged.
Plug-in | Description |
AutoRenamer | Plugin for automatic page renaming. |
Counter | Automatic numbering anything on the page. |
DataGraph | Plot the charts on the wiki pages. |
Diagrammer | Creation diagrams for wiki pages. |
Export2Html | Export notes in HTML |
ExternalTools | Open notes files in external applications. |
HackPage | Plugin allow to edit hidden page properties. |
HtmlFormatter | It is Forming the Paragraphs by <p>...</p> HTML Tags. |
HtmlHeads | Add meta tags and the <title> tag in the wiki pages. |
Lightbox | Open links to images in the preview window, not an external program. |
Livejournal | Decoration links to users and communities |
Markdown | Create page with Markdown format. |
PageTypeColor | Changing the page title field color when changing the page type. |
ReadingMode | Switch OutWiker to reading mode. |
RecentEditedPages | Highlighting Recently Edited Pages. |
Sessions | Save the opened tabs |
Snippets | Plugin to store text templates. |
Source | Highlight source code |
Spoiler | Insert spoiler on the page |
Statistics | Showing statistics by notes. |
TableOfContents | Create a table of contents in wiki page. |
TeXEquation | Plug-in for inserting the equations in the TeX format. |
ThumbGallery | Creating a gallery of the attached pictures. |
WebPage | Download pages from Internet. |
Download all of the plugins in one file: